Miroslava Kassayová

Miroslava Kassayová

Hi, I´m Miroslava Kassayová, and this is my part of the web site!


Title: Ms.

First name: Miroslava

Surname/Family name: Kassayová

Initials: MK

Maiden name: Kassayová

Nickname: Mirka

Personal information:

              My family: My family consist of 2 members. I am the eldest child in my family. I am an only child. As family we often go to the nature, because I love forests and traveling.


              My friends: I have just few but good friends. Most of my friends are or were my schoolmates. I appreciate friends who can understand me or listen me need it.


              My interests: I love learnig new languages which I do not need but it is fun. I really like reading books. I also write some stories which I create. I listen a music too. I listen metal music, I just love hard tones. But great classicals like Mozart I also listen.


              My favourite subjects: I love chemistry (I love experiments), physics (I want to be a physicist), english and german ( ´cause I love languages).


              My future plans: When I was a child I want to be president or astronaut. But now I to be an astrophysicist. And study Aurora Borealis (northpolelight). Hope I will.


Earth day


Eagle is predator. He lives in mountains. He is strictly protected by law. Female is bigger than male. Female is 90-100 cm long. Male is 10 cm smaller. Range of wings is 200-210 cm wide. Females weight 3,8-6,4 kg and males 2,8-4,6 kg.Eagle is darkbrown. He lives 25 years. 


Coltsfoot grows in early spring in wet places. It is also medical plant. It is protected by law. In our country it grows in forests in warmer place. Coltsfoot has yellow head and green body and leaves.



My favourite sport

My favourite sport is ______. I started playing that few years ago. It was very difficult, and I couldn´t score a hit. Than I found out I am lefthander. It became exiciting sport. I enjoyed it. For this sport you need good sight and immovable hand. It can be dangerous too if you are not careful enought. There are few possibilities, how you can do this. Shooting



Easter Monday morning was always stressful for me. My father woke me up very early morning while I was sleeping by pouring cold water on me. I always screamed. My father laughted and I run to get change. Than I had to give him a chocolate egg. I think that is not fair. I was wet and he had fun. I don´t like this tradition. It is good only for sickness. And he isn´t the only, who poured me. My oncle and my frieds followed this nonsens tradition. Every Easter Monday I am wet and moody. After lunch we went to grandma and there poured me my gradpa. But I smiled - he was last. I hoped. But he wasn´t. Few minutes later arrived my cousin with water gun and gigant willow cane with lot of ribbons. I was wearing the newest dress I had. That was their „premiere“. Very wet one. I gave him new ribbon for his willow cane a big egg and grab him his gun. Everyone was pleased and happy except me. Like every Easter.



Dear Andrea

Do you know, how important is to protect our planet? I found out some exciting things. For example, box from shoes can be perfect sleeping place for you pet (if it is small) or old newspaper is perfect protection for glass when you are traveling. And that is not all. Empty box of matches can be advent calendar when you put in candies. And box of cream is a perfect place where you postpone rings and similar things. And most interesting  idea is old or scratchy CDs. You just hang it over the window and sun bring beautiful light efects. Isn´t it interesting? You can have fun and protect nature.

Miroslava Kassayova