Tomáš Jurčenko

Tomáš Jurčenko

Hi, I´m Tomáš Jurčenko, and this is my part of the web site!



Title: Mr.
First name: Tomáš   
Surname: Jurčenko
Nickname: Tom
Initials: T.J.
Maiden name: Jurčenko

Personal information:

• My family:  Consist of 4 members.  I have one sister Diana. I´m the eldest of 2 children.As a family, we like going to nature.

• My friends:  I have lot of friends, but they all aren´t close friends.  I have a few pen friends, but other are my neighbors or schoolmates. Most of my friends are from Elementary school. However we sometimes meet together.

• My interests: My interests are:  swimming, visiting Language school. I´ve visited this school for 5 years. In my free I go out with my friends or play computer games or listen to music. I used to sk8-ing but I haven´t got time nowadays

• My favorite subject: My favorite subjects are P.E. and Art. P.E because we play games there.  On Art we listen to our teacher. I like Math too.

• My future plans:  In future I ´ll visit University. Than I want to be Engineer or something like this. When not I want to be a President.





GIANT PANDA:                                                              

The Giant Panda is a bear native to central-western and south western China. It is easily recognized by its large, distinctive black patches around the eyes, over the ears, and across its round body. Panda is at the top of the Red list. It is the most endangered animal.


PUYA RAIMONDI:                                                               


Puya Raimondi, also known as Queen of the Andes is an endemic species of the altoandina zone of Bolivia and Peru, found at an altitude of 3200 – 4800 m. This plant is a gigantic inflorescence. It reaches up to 10 m height, with more than three thousand flowers and six million seeds in each plant. Its biological cycle is approximately 40 years. Because of slow biological cycle this plant is very very endangered.    



 Easter Monday is a day of fun. Every boy comes to girls home, splashes her with bucket of water, whips her with a plaited willow cane. Than boy uses perfume. All these habits might fix health, call beauty, give cleverness and luck to girls. After splashing girl gives money or Easter egg to boy.
 I get up at 7:00 o’clock. Than my granddad comes and splashes my mum and sister. Before it I throw my sister to bath and splash her by cold water. Than I with my granddad go around my family. We splash, whip, perfume each grandma, each aunt, and each girl cousin … Every woman gives me money, sweets … After family I visit my girlfriends I splash them fewer and I don’t whip them. They give me what is on hand. Sweets, sometimes money. Usually I make about 80 euro per Easter.         But this holiday isn’t about making money or splashing girls. It is about Jesus Christ and his victory over death.       



Dear Jessica
 How it´s going? I´m writing to you, because I heard that your country is drowning in rubbish. I heard that your dust heaps (smetiská) are full and you cannot store more litter. Here are some advices. We should use old envelopes for scribing down the shopping list or I use them to write notes. You can send old clothes to poor people. Old bottles could be used like holders for raining water. These are few of my tips. All these tips will help you with a problem. I´d like to help your country. We have only one Earth.
Write soon.